The Breakfast Club
A group sponsored by local churches, The Breakfast Club gives students fellowship opportunities with other Christians, hang out, and eat some good breakfast. A short presentation by leaders or youth themselves follows. Gatherings are held every Thursday morning at 7:30 at the Firehouse Coffee Shop in Paynesville, MN.
Christ Our Hope
Our area catholic youth group was designed to broaden our youth group and connect youth in different areas. COH brings the cities of Roscoe, Lake Henry, Paynesville, Watkins, and Eden Valley together. We participate in different activities such as fun nights, but also experience retreats and conferences together.

Religious Classes
Children grades 1-11 participate in educational classes that teach them about the catholic faith and how to become close to God. Our youth meets on Wednesday nights September through April. Grades 1-5 meet at the Paynesville Church at 3:00-4:30. Older grades, 6-11, meet at the church from 7:00-8:15.